Black Lives Matter.
Best Viewed in:
7/2/2019 - Supervised vs. Unsupervised Learning: What they are and How they work
6/3/2019 - Convolutional Neural Networks: What they are and why they're so good
5/22/2019 - Deep Learning: What it is and why it matters
Deep Learning, Computer Vision, Machine Learning, Sabermetrics
University of Maryland Baltimore County, PhD (Computer Science) June 2019
University of Maryland Baltimore County, M.S. (Computer Science) December 2014
University of Maryland Baltimore County, B.S. (Computer Science, Mathematics) May 2013
Sr. Research Scientist, Knexus Research Corporation (2023-)
Sr. Research Scientist, Clarifai (2018 - 2019)
Research Scientist, Knexus Research Corporation (2014 - 2018)
Contractor Research Scientist, Autonomy Engine (2014)
Contractor Research Scientist, Naval Research Labratory (2014)
Graduate Research Assisstant, Cognitive Robotics and Learning (CoRaL lab) (2013 - 2014)
Undergraduate Research Assisstant, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) (2012)
Undergraduate Research Assisstant, JMU Department of Mathematics and Statistics (2010)
Undergraduate Teaching Assistant (2 labs of CMSC 201, 2013)
Undergraduate Lab Assistant (2 labs of CMSC 201/202, 2012)
Undergraduate Tutor (Tutored CMSC 104 - 314, 2011-2012)
Undergraduate Grader (Graded Projects CMSC 201/202, 2010-2011)
Deloitte (LOL) 2022-2023, Sr. Machine Learning Specialist
Accenture 2019-2022, Data Science Consultant
Mario (General): Donkey Kong, Bowser
Super Smash: Kirby, Donkey Kong
Mortal Kombat: Sub Zero, Raiden, Johnny Cage
Tekken: King, Kazuya
Guilty Gear: Ky Kiske, Chipp Zannuff
Starcraft: TERRAN